Shamshiripour A., Shabanpour R., Golshani N., Auld J., Mohammadian A. K., 2020. “A Flexible Activity Scheduling Conflict Resolution Framework” in: Goulias K.G., Davis A.W (eds) Mapping the Travel Behavior Genome: The Role of Disruptive Technologies, Automation, and Experimentation. 299-322, 2020. Elsevier.
Selected Presentations
Shamshiripour, A., Chen, KS., Seshadri, R., Yoo, L., Hasnine, MS., Alho, AR., Feldman. D, Ben-Akiva, M., 2021. “Large-scale simulation of Urban Air Mobility.” Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), California, U.S.
​Shamshiripour, A., Parsa, A., Taghipour, H., Nafakh, A., Mohammadian, A.K., 2019. “Route Choice Behavior Analysis: An Agent-Based Simulation Perspective.” In Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, DC.
Jung, P., Sakai, T., Shamshiripour, A., Seshadri, R., Alho, A. R., Lentzakis, A. F., Ben-Akiva, M., 2023. “Design and Evaluation of Future Urban Congestion Pricing Schemes with Agent-based Microsimulation”, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
Chen, S. K., Shamshiripour, A., Seshadri, R., Guan, J., Yoo, L., Hasnine, M. S., Alho, A. R., Feldman, D., Ben-Akiva, M., 2023. “Demand Analysis for Urban Air Mobility via Agent-Based Simulation”, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.
Recent Research Projects
Analyzing Retrospective and Futuristic Scenarios of Highway Expansion and Tolling Using SimMobility and Operational Tri-POP
Collaborators: Kentaro Mori, Kexin (Sally) Chen, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Cintra-Ferrovial, Madrid, Spain.
Research context: The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
A multi-day Needs-based Approach to Travel Demand and the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Mode Choice
Collaborators: Kexin (Sally) Chen, Jingping (Jenna) Guan, Varun Pattabhiraman, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Shenzhen Urban Transport Planning and Design Research Center, Shenzhen, China.
Research context: China – nation-wide
Behavioral Response to Mobility-as-a- Service Across Different Types of Cities
Collaborators: Emma Desoto, Jingping (Jenna) Guan, Ravi Seshadri, Carlos M. Lima Azevedo, Moshe Ben-Akiva
Sponsor: Ford, U.S.
Research context: Three North American Prototypical cities of Auto Innovative, Auto Sprawl, and Mass-transit Heavy Weight (see Oke et al. (2019) for a list of all prototypical classes.)