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Selected Presentations

  1. Jung, P., Sakai, T., Shamshiripour, A., Seshadri, R., Alho, A. R., Lentzakis, A. F., Ben-Akiva, M., 2023. “Design and Evaluation of Future Urban Congestion Pricing Schemes with Agent-based Microsimulation”, Transportation Research Board 102nd Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.

Recent Research Projects

  • Analyzing Retrospective and Futuristic Scenarios of Highway Expansion and Tolling Using SimMobility and Operational Tri-POP

Collaborators: Kentaro Mori, Kexin (Sally) Chen, Ravi Seshadri, Moshe Ben-Akiva

Sponsor: Cintra-Ferrovial, Madrid, Spain.

Research context: The Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area


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