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  1. Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R. and Mohammadian, A.K., 2020. “How is COVID-19 reshaping activity-travel behavior? Evidence from a comprehensive survey in Chicago.” Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 7, p.100216.

  2. Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R., Shamshiripour, A. and Mohammadian, A.K., 2021. “Perceived risk of using shared mobility services during the COVID-19 pandemic.” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 81, pp.271-281.

  3. Chauhan, R.S., Bhagat-Conway, M.W., Capasso da Silva, D., Salon, D., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Khoeini, S., Mohammadian, A.K., Derrible, S. and Pendyala, R., 2021. “A database of travel-related behaviors and attitudes before, during, and after COVID-19 in the United States.” Scientific Data, 8(1), pp.1-7.

  4. Salon, D., Conway, M.W., da Silva, D.C., Chauhan, R.S., Derrible, S., Mohammadian, A.K., Khoeini, S., Parker, N., Mirtich, L., Shamshiripour, A. and Rahimi, E., 2021. “The potential stickiness of pandemic-induced behavior changes in the United States.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(27).

  5. Chauhan, R.S., da Silva, D.C., Salon, D., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Sutradhar, U., Khoeini, S., Mohammadian, A.K., Derrible, S. and Pendyala, R., 2021. “COVID-19 related attitudes and risk perceptions across urban, rural, and suburban areas in the United States.” Findings, p.23714.

  6. da Silva, D.C., Khoeini, S., Salon, D., Conway, M.W., Chauhan, R.S., Pendyala, R.M., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Magassy, T., Mohammadian, A.K. and Derrible, S., 2021. “How are Attitudes Toward COVID-19 Associated with Traveler Behavior During the Pandemic?.” Findings, p.24389.

Selected Presentations

  1. Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R., Golshani, N., Mohammadian, A. K., 2021. “The Effect of Productivity of Telecommuting During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Workers’ Post-pandemic Intentions to Telecommute”, Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.

  2. Shabanpour, R., Shamshiripour, A., Rahimi, E., Golshani, N., Mohammadian, A. K., 2021. “Understanding the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on dynamics of online shopping behavior”, Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.

  3. Rahimi, E., Shabanpour, R., Shamshiripour, A., Mohammadian, A. K., 2021. “Perceived Risk of Using Shared Mobility Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Transportation Research Board 100th Annual Meeting. Washington D.C.

  4. Shekari, E., Rahimi E., Shamshiripour, A., Mohammadian, A.K., 2021. “Shared E-scooter usage patterns during COVID-19.” Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), online


  1. “E-Shopping Trends During and After the Pandemic”, TOMNET Transportation Center, Arizona State University, November 2020

  2. “How Will COVID-19 Affect Travel Behavior?”, Transportation Research Board, June 2020

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